My wife (who is much more active than I am on Twitter, and follows some historians there to see things I might be interested in, because she’s the best) came across reference to Marlene Daut‘s recent book, Baron De Vastey and the Origins of Black Atlantic Humanism. It’s fascinating! I read it over the winter holiday break, and one of De Vastey’s pieces that I wanted to read – in part because it apparently includes a philosophical defense of monarchy in Haiti – was his pamphlet “Reflexions on the Blacks and Whites.” Unfortunately, the only copy I’ve been able to find of the English translation – I wasn’t even able to find one in print – is on a website called Recovered Histories. It’s not clear to me whether that site is still being updated (their search doesn’t work) and their copy of the piece is broken. I was able to manually edit the URL and step through all the pages, so I downloaded the GIFs and put them together in an easier to use PDF. Many, many thanks to whomever at RH did the original work of digitizing this, and I don’t want to undermine them at all, but I figured I’d post this for anyone who might want a more user-friendly version.
Baron De Vastey’s “Reflexions on the Blacks and Whites”